For Dancers
Interdisciplinary training for dancers (ITD) is a new series of workshops that aim to give dancers easy access to skills and methodologies that they would not normally have access to. The goal is to open ones training to other genres of performance in order to develop new skills, relationships and increase the potential employment opportunities beyond dance. The sessions will be facilitated by leading practitioners in their field and delivered specifically for dancers, it can be intimidating to push yourself out of your comfort zone independently and interdisciplinary training for dancers hopes to eliminate these worries by providing high quality masterclasses in a low pressure environment surrounded by peers. ITD is being run by dancers for dancers. To keep up to date sign up to the mailing list below!
Upcoming Workshops
Devising and movement direction workshop with Steven Hoggett! 23rd May. 10-5pm. £65 early bird if booked before 1st May, £75 thereafter. Email for more info and booking.